- 1890
- French
- Height: 36 in.
- Cast iron with bronze patina
- Artist: Eglantine Lemaitre - Maurice Denonvilliers Foundry
Sculpture depicts pair of (English pointer) hunting dogs looking to the left. Markings / inscriptions: "Au Coup de Fusil" - meaning "At The Ready;" "Fondu par (Foundry) Maurice Denonvilliers (1849-1955); "Eg. Lemaitre 1890". This sculpture is originally shown on the west front of the hotel - near the point where passengers arrived and departed by way of train. Through the years, the sculpture has been moved many times around Plant Park and is now located in front of the Museum.
Cast by Maurice Denonvilliers (French, 1849-1955), France.
Églantine Lemaître (1852-1920) exhibited in Paris at the Salon des Artistes Français, of which she became a member in 1885. She was awarded an honorable mention in 1886 and awarded at the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris.
The sculpture underwent major conservation under the direction of Conservator, Claudia Deschu, in 2015 including dry ice blasting to remove corrosion; cleaning; hot waxing; and the replacement of the missing tip of tail. These photos were taken during various conservation processes.

Hunting dogs after conservation treatment.

Hunting dogs during dry ice blasting.

Hunting dogs during hot wax conservation. Claudia Deschu, Conservator, Gulf Coast Art Conservation.

Claudia Deschu, Conservator, Gulf Coast Art Conservation, repairing Hunting Dogs.
Hunting dogs during a cold wax and buff procedure. Diana Galante, Conservator, Galante Art Conservation, LLC.
Accession number: 2001.063.